The CC has four members: Carol LeBlanc, Shannon Tully, Leslie Johnson and Jim Joyce. The CC meets as/if required as most business items we are able to handle via electronic means. We are no longer operating under the social distancing restrictions for in-person meetings.
CC manages the HOA’s Web Site hosted by GoDaddy. We received 1484 world-wide hits in the September 2021 time frame. Our account is paid up until March 2025.
The HOA communications system continues to work well. It comes up for renewal next month. We currently have 287 HOA email members on the system. is being used with 28 messages exchanged in October 2021. We continue to have good support from our residents in using the system and we hope all new residents are getting the word to sign up.
Our Twitter account has had 705 Tweets since it was activated in March 2013. We have 35 followers on Twitter. In addition, our Twitter account is linked to our web site so you do not have to have a Twitter account to read our Tweets, just go to the web site tab.
We continue Beta testing of a Facebook link to the web site.
Fifty-six Kensington residences have requested the cipher code for the BBC. The lock cipher code was last changed on 12 August. Live video coverage of the BBC is linked to the HOA website 24/7 using Cox Communications and Nest/Reolink cameras. From monitoring the two video feeds it appears most Kensington users/players are following the post-Covid 19 rules.
We held a community garage sale on Saturday 18 September 0800 – 1200 hours. Feedback has been positive and we will decide on when to hold the next one sometime in 2022.
One vehicle (perhaps abandoned) was ordered towed from Lavender Keep during this reported period. No other parking tickets/warnings were issued.
The Flock Safety license plate capture system continues to operate without problem. We capture about 6000 data points a month based on an average of 200 Route 50 entrances per day via Woodberry Meadow.
Met with USA (power & lighting contractor) to get a second estimate for a 120 VAC line from one of the existing street lights on the Billberry gazebo area to the Billberry overflow parking. We are investigating our security camera coverage to include that area. Their estimate came in about $2K lower than PSE.
Submitted by Jim Joyce, CC Chairperson